Guiding you to trust your innate wisdom, mind, body and soul

Pregnancy, birth and postpartum are a sacred rite of passage and one that you should feel supported in. My mission as your birthworker is to help you trust your innate wisdom, so you feel empowered, respected and cared for in your birthing year.

During our time together I can provide you with traditional birthworker services in unmedicalized homebirth, postpartum services, breastfeeding support, ceremony, pregnancy loss support, pregnancy after loss support and virtual services. I will also guide you in trusting your body and connecting with your intuition.

Free Homebirth Checklist

Ultimate Homebirth & Postpartum Checklist: Your Essential Guide for a Smooth Journey into Motherhood

Are you considering a beautiful home birth journey? 🤰✨ Whether you're a first-timer or experienced pro, I've got something special just for you!

FREE "Ultimate Homebirth & Postpartum Checklist!" 🏡👶

✨ What's Inside:

✔️ Homebirth Essentials

✔️ Postpartum Must-Haves

✔️ Direct Purchase Links

We've got you covered from prepping your home for a safe delivery to postpartum self-care. Download your checklist today and sail smoothly into motherhood!

Services Offered

  • mother holding baby in birth blue tub after water birth with partner hugging her from behind

    Birth Services

    Gain the support and knowledge you desire to have a beautiful and sovereign birth experience in the comfort of your own home.

  • pregnant women with her eyes and henna on her belly, closed eyes sitting down with other women surrounding her. They have their hands on arms, head and shoulder during a mother blessing ceremony

    Mother Blessing Ceremony

    Celebrate your motherhood with a mother blessing ceremony. This sacred ceremony is a beautiful way to share this sacred time in your life and honor this rite of passage.

  • women laying on the floor with a white blankets and three candles next to her. She has her head wrapped with a rebozo.

    Closing of the Bones Ceremony

    One of the many ways to honor the postpartum recovery time is to have a Closing of the Bones Ceremony. This postpartum ceremony warms and nourishes the mother and closes the chapter of birth.

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